Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thank God for year 2006

As I look back at 2006, below were the items that I want to Thank God for:

1) Helping me to improve in my piano as I serve Him in this area.
2) Giving me the grace to complete the two semesters of studying "The Life of Christ" in FEBC.
3) Giving me the strength and the wisdom in my work as there are more teaching and competitions to handle.
4) His merciful hands that have moved quite a number of my students to come to church and other church activities.
5) Helping me in leading one soul to say the "Sinner's Prayer".
6) Sending a video specialist to help me in the School Video Award this year.
7) Good HOD IT that is not so demanding.
8) Joy and grace in service; especially as a Church Pianist.
9) Consistency in attending Church prayer and fellowship meetings.
10) Helping me in the preparation for my Grade 5 Theory Exams.
11) Getting a Christian piano teacher where my piano skills can be improved.
12) God's messages heard in Camps and worship service that keep me close to Him and not departing from the faith.
13) Being able to teach my students piano.
14) Caring mother that cooks for me frequently.
15) Good Christian colleagues at work.
16) Good health and that I did not take any sick leave this year.
17) Contentment in the things that God has given me.
18) Being able to serve in the Church Camp as Assistant Camp Master and Leader.
19) Being able to serve in the Mission Field at Kuantan and Kemaman and also to share God's Word in Chinese for the very first time. God's grace in able to play the piano in the worship service there.
20) Getting the Majesty Hymns as a gift from a sister-in-Christ.
21) Not losing my handphone as I am a careless person.
22) Having the money and to buy things that I want.
23) Being more caring this year although I offended one person because of that.
24) Having a sprain ankle during a combine fellowship outing that reminded me to be patient for the process of recovery.
25) Many other blessings that I have missed out.

Praise the Lord! May He continued to keep me close to Him!

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