Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Thank God for 10th day of counting blessing

Thank God we had our reunion yesterday. What a day to mark out as it is also our 10th month anniversary. Thank God that He is moving in the hearts of us. Even though I know that this Saturday we will talk things out, I know that this is going to work out. I know that God is in the midst of us and helping us to solve problems. There is still hope. I know the future challenges is not going to be easy but surely with God’s help we can go through it together. Let's not give up!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Thank God for 9th day of counting blessing

Thank God that you are forgiving. Finally, my joy return back to me. Lord, help me to be more sensitive, thoughtful, caring and loving.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Thank God for 8th day of counting blessing

Thank God that you can play the piano. Do you know that it is my dream to have a life partner who can play the piano for me in the morning? When I was younger, I think I pray that I want a woman that is beautiful, can play the piano and then can cook. After some time, I realise that maybe it is a wrong prayer to ask. I think I change my prayer to request that she will be pleasant looking woman, love God and that we can serve God together.

Does serving God together means that we have to be in the same ministry? Not necessarily. Do you know that by physically present in prayer meeting, worship service or fellowship group or bible study is also serving God? Sometimes we like to frame ourselves that God only wants me to do this and we refuse to try other things. Of course we are good at certain things and we feel strongly that God want us to be in that area of service. However, our area of service is not permanent also. When there is a change of stages in our lives like marriage, pregnancy, raising up children or even when there is a need to take care of aged parents. Our area of service might need to change also. There might be other challenges like uncertainty of the future which might also affect our area of service. Do we have the faith that God will lead us where we can serve Him together? I pray that God will help you to discover your other areas of service apart from just finance. Able to manage finance is not a spiritual gift but to be a servant like deacon or deaconess, you do need spiritual gift to help you to do your task.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Thank God for 7th day of counting blessing

Thank God that you have never really 嫌弃我. I may have bad breath, forgetful, loud snoring, playing games or even have some requests. You even make juices for me which I have enjoyed it so much. You are so kind to accommodate them. I should not have asked for things that might be beyond you. Maybe to you I sound like trying to change you but I am not. You do have a choice to say no or ignore them. These are just expectations or requests that you can choose not to accommodate. Maybe I should not have even brought it up. Maybe I am not sensitive, caring, thoughtful or even loving enough to notice your displeasure. Maybe unknowingly I have been giving you too much pressure and stress in the midst of your stressful work.  Lord help me to feel what she feels and help me to be in her shoes.

The Lord encourages me with this verse today. Although I am not Daniel, help me be strong in thee and experience thy peace. Help me to be loved by thee.

Daniel 10:19 And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Thank God for 6th day of counting blessing

Thank God that you are very independent. Maybe you don't need me and you can be happy alone. However, I really cannot. I really miss you. 日日夜夜都想,但又不能见不能谈不能发简讯。你怎么舍得我难过?I know I am wrong but this punishment 也太大了吧。我已经认定你了,为什么你接受求婚戒又没想清楚呢?

Lord help me to pray more, trust in you more. I know that all these things happen so that we can both be stronger in the bond. Thank God that your independence seems to teach me that I have to be more independent also. Thank God that you can still keep your household clean and tidy even when you are so busy. I can still see that you are a neat and proper person. 我要更呵护你而不是让你认为你付出是最多的。我付出的爱也不是最少的。

Lamentation 3:25-26 The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thank God for 5th day of counting blessing

Thank God that you have yearned for spiritual leadership. On one hand I am happy but on the other hand I am confuse. I am happy because you have desire something that is good. If the head of the house is able to set the direction then the woman is able to submit and follow that will be good. The problem comes when the man sets the direction, the woman doubt, question and worst comes to worst the woman goes against what was agreed on previously. That is when the man has to consider the feelings of the woman and sometimes even have to waver in his stand in order not to get into a quarrel.

Could the man have insisted on his stand? If the man insist on his stand, woman will have two reactions:

1) Obey and follow. Impress that the man has his own conviction, happy to submit.
2) Murmured and complain that the man never consider her feeling. Make man doubt that his previous stand is a correct or wrong choice. Make man feel bad and get emotional about it.

However most of the time, woman is unable to submit to the man and on the contrary, she starts to question man that he has to earn her respect or convince her before woman can submit. In the end, this becomes a vicious cycle. Lord help me to understand women and how they want men to be the spiritual leader without getting upset that men did not consider their feelings. Thank God that I am still learning and I will not give up until I know woman better.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Thank God for 4th day of counting blessing

We have more similarities than differences. When I first met you in Aug 2017, you have already surprise me with so many similarities. We can almost talk the whole night until I realised that it is too late, I had to bid goodbye to you. I thank God for these similarities. We even mentioned that we want to serve God together. I believe we can find a new avenue to serve God together if we are sensitive to the leading of God.

Yes, it might be different from what we are both serving now. Do we have the faith to actively seek out what God has installed for us in the near further? As for now, maybe both of us need to take the step of faith to venture into a new ground that God has prepared for us. The question to ask ourselves is that am I going to say no, lamenting that it is too tiring for me, I wouldn’t want to try because I have to put in too much effort.

Even though there are some differences now, I believe that charity will pull us through. Charity is sacrificial love. I am prepared to give up some things if we manage to reach a consensus in 3rd July. Lord help me to understand the sacrifice that you did for me on the cross and then learn what is charity by giving.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Thank God for 3rd day of counting blessing

人美心更美。When my friend tells me to be careful on the road, I used to feel that he is phobia of crossing the road or he is too cautious. After knowing you, then I learn to appreciate my friend's genuine care and concern for me. I am touch when you bought clothes for me. Even when you were overseas, that postcard and the other surprises that you had brought back from Australia is heartwarming. Nobody can replace your care and concern for me. I miss badly the daily exchange of morning and evening greetings. It is our way of showing that we appreciate and yearn for each other's presence since 18th August 2017.  Thank God for you and I cannot imagine what is life without your presence!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Thank God for 2nd Day of counting blessing

The meals that you had prepared for me let me experience these two chinese words "幸福". Even maybe when you are tired or when you feel that it's a chore, I will never forget the effort that you have put in. Thank God for that!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Thank God for unexpected friend & day 1 of counting my blessing

The least expected friend came up to me and told me he had problem with relationship. It’s God’s will for us to encourage one another. He is not a believer but I hope that he can be one soon.

 I choose to count my blessing instead of lamenting over what had happened.

Day 1 of counting my blessing: She analyses me thru and thru and helps my thinking to be more holistic, best helpmeet that I can find.