Dear God,
Thank God for the many wonderful experience and blessings He have blessed me this year. This year is the most exciting and most happening year for me in my life:
01)Thank God for seeing me through 10 years in Tabernacle. God had helped me to grow spiritually and also giving me opportunity to serve Him as one of the leaders in Shomerim again the coming year.
02)I had received my ABRSM Grade 5 music theory exam with Distinction in January this year.
03)I had received my ABRSM Grade 6 Piano practical exam with a Pass in September this year.
04)Being able to serve God as a church pianist in the Chinese congregation, as a result, I have improved at an incredibly and amazingly speed in my music score sight reading.
05)Being able to serve God in the Church Camp Committee 2007.
06)Able to attend Mission trip, participated in the VBS work in Kuantan and ministered to the children over there.
07)Able to attend the night class and blessed time of learning from God's Word.
08)More love for souls, sharing the gospel and by the grace of God, leading my cousins and friend to pray the Sinner's Prayer. (2 cousins, Tian Geng, and 2 children in Kuantan mission trip)
09)Giving me a tender heart which makes me more emotional when I hear God's Word and Christian hymns. In that also being able to feel more for people and to encourage friends using God's Word.
10)A brethren that I had prayed for a long time, had increased in the love and devotion to God and also attending the same church as me.
11)Another friend who came to youth camp and had touched my heart with his story testifying God's faithfulness. However he had not been attending church for a long time and I seem to lose contact with him.
12)Teaching me and testing my faith in a recent episode in my life. In that, I know how much I love God and I had an experienced to know that the heart is very deceiving.
13)Thank God for my loving mother who never fails to cook for me, wash my clothes and taking care of the house while I can concentrate in working.
14)Pay rise in July and also a less stressful job where I can serve God and practice my piano. I can also buy the things that I want.
15)Family members are generally in good health.
16)My mother, sister and cousins attending church outing.
17)Thank God for His grace, mercy and faithfulness for keeping me in the faith even though I failed Him so many times and always ready to encourage me in the faith with His Words.
All praise and glory to God above!
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