Monday, December 28, 2009
Thank God for excellent Ipoh Trip!
10 things to thank God for in 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thank God for converting a soul
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Thank God for wisdom to do my assignment in my course
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Yup! Thank God for His Word on Charity

Charity | Music UploadCharity (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a) - Tan Yu Leun, Alan
Charity (3/4) (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Text & Music: Tan Yu Leun, Alan
A F#m Bm E
Charity suffe-reth long, and is kind;
A F#m
Charity envieth not;
C#m F#m
Charity vaul-teth not itself,
Is not puffed up,
It is patient,
God tells it so.
A F#m Beareth all things, D E Believeth all things, C#m Hopeth all things, Bm E Endureth all things. | A F#m Beareth all things, D E Believeth all things, C#m F#m Hopeth all th-ings, Bm E A Endureth all things. |
Doth not behave itself unseemly,
Se-e-keth not her own,
Is not easily provoked,
Thinketh no evil;
But think pure thoughts,
God tells it so.
Re-joi-ceth n-ot in iniquity,
But rejoi-ceth in the truth;
Charity never faileth,
Prophecies, tongues, knowledge will all
Be done away.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thank God that my Pastor visited my mum
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thank God for good Christian teachers
“Miss Tan is going for the gathering?! OMG! I can’t wait!”
“Miss Tan, you are always our favourite teacher! All these years you are not forgotten!”
十六年了!1993 年这些家伙是小学里高头大马的小八生。是小八。不是小六。他们升不了中学,必须留在小学多两年。其他的小学生对他们是又怕又有一种不可捉摸的感觉。连没教他们的老师也怕他们几分。可他们是我教书以来最疼爱,最特别的一班了!有人情味,肯努力,重义气。我教得很过瘾。
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Thank God for looking after our Nation and my work so far!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Thank God for the 1st May Chinese Gospel Meeting
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thank God for safe return mission trip from Tanjong Balai
The second lesson I learn is contentment. The people over there is like living in the 70s. They have lots of children in their home. Their living condition is like my grandmother's era. However, they lived happily together. Most of the man are fisherman and they were out fishing when we visited them.
The third lesson is God's blessing towards me. One children shared that her father objects her to believe in Jesus. However, I did not received such persecution. Thank God she still secretly attends the church with her mother.
I felt very blessed to be in Singapore and also the things that God had blessed me with. All glory be to God. If you had not been to a mission trip before, I urged you to go. You will realised how blessed are we who are living in Singapore compared to the people over there.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Thank God for a new job
Monday, April 06, 2009
Thank God for the Cantata on "No Greater Love"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
God arranged photo shoot!
As I walk in to the room where I had to take the photo, I seem to me that there is someone packing up the equipments. To my surprise, when he turned around I recognised a familiar face. It is Isacc Lum from Agape fellowship! It came as a surprise to me! I wouldn't have thought that he is the one who will took the photo for me! Even the photo shoot is carefully arranged by God! He told me that if it is someone else, he would have ask me to come back another day! Thank God! After the photo shoot, I had a small chat with him.
Sometimes after I pray, I don't really think that God will answer me directly. So there were a few occasions that I thought, "If this time the request failed then I just do it another time loi!" I don't have enough faith that God will answer a definitely, "Yes!" Yesterday, I really learn a lesson about faith in prayer. God will hear us when we pray, however do we sincerely believe that he will answer "Yes! Your desire is granted" or we will have the thought of "Let's pray and see whether God will answer. If not today, then another day perhaps." What a lesson for me!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thank God for a new job in this great economic crisis!
During the interview session, it is in my school. My Principal, Admin Manager and two other principals interviewed me. God arranged it! Therefore, I really thank God for what He had done. For now, words cannot describe my joy! My official first day of school will be 13th April 2009. Pray that I will be able to cope with the new job scope!