Mr Dear Friends,
So many years had past. In the twinkling of an eye, we have known one another for 15 years. It is truly a long friendship. I am glad that after so many years we are still best of friends. However, I am not your friend if there is something so good in my life that I did not share with you and keep it for myself. I remember a poem that I had read, depicting a soul trapped in hell fire after physical death. It reminds me of the friends that I know. It goes like this:
Appendix AAt first, I hope to write this letter to each one of you by hand. However, I find that it will be a very tedious process, hence pardon me that I would have to type out this long letter. I plead with you to please do read on to the end of this letter. I have a love letter to share with you all! This may be the last time you see this letter. Life is very fragile; we are just passing through this earth as a pilgrim. (James 4:14) We come into this world naked, naked shall we return to earth one day. (Job 1:21) We may die any time soon. Don’t think that you are still young cause death will strike in no respect of persons. We will not be able to bring anything with us after we die. Many of us can only see and believe in the physical things in this world because they are tangible and real. However, not many of us can see the spiritual realm and the things that is eternal, that last forever, which is invisible to the eye.
Throughout the years I can assure and testify to you that Christianity is real. It is not just a religion that teaches people to do good. It is not just something people seek to sooth their conscience when they feel bad that they had done something wrong. It is not just superstitious or a blind faith. (My parents or love ones believe, so I follow) It is a logical faith because things happening around this world are explained in the Bible. Problems around the world can find their answers in the Bible. Bible prophecies (Matthew 24:3-44) are fulfilled in our very eyes. You must be thinking now, “Come on la, you want to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to me right?” Indeed that is my intention but what is more important is that I want to share with you my testimony and also the reason why I believe that there is only one God who can save mankind.
When I was young, I saw people offered incense and offering food to ‘gods’. I don’t understand the reason. In fact, nowadays many people don’t know why also. They just followed the traditions. They believed that God would bless them if they do so. During the hungry ghost festival, if you don’t do that, you will receive curse or something bad might happen to you. What kind of ‘god’ is that if it needs offering to ‘feed’ on it? This kind of ‘god’ only instils fear in man! Sometimes we are called to perform meaningless rituals to the dead. You should be filial or doing good to a person who he is alive, not when he is dead! What a contrary!
I am told that I need to do good to people. 好人有好报,积多点阴德,就会有好报. Is this true? Why some people is still suffering? The reason is that all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) As a matter of fact, we are all born in sin. (Psalm 51:5) Nobody teach us to lie, disobey parents and fight with siblings or friends while we were very young (2-4 year old). Unknowingly, we just pick it up on our own! Some of you will argue, “No! I pick it up on myself!” Maybe, you have not take a closer look at the children before! We are all disobedience people; sometimes we just can’t help but do something bad or tell a white lie. A white lie is still a lie! It is still sin! The Bible says that if we lust after a woman, we had already committed adultery in our heart. (Matthew 5:28) God is Holy; he demands a higher standard of obedience to Him. I had set the rules for us to follow; it is the Ten Commandments in the book of (Exodus 20:2-17). We don’t like rules set by God, we even proclaimed, “Rules are meant to be broken!” Such is our unrepentance heart! Even though sometimes people correct our mistakes, we refuse to be corrected! We all had this pride of life. (1 John 2:15-16) The result of sinning against God is death physically on Earth and spiritually death in hell and then in the lake of eternal fire. (Revelation 20:12-15) Don’t be naive to think that you can come out or reborn after that. The Bible states very clearly that there is no more 2nd chance once you are in hell!
However God is merciful, He knows that we cannot followed the standards that He had set for us so He sent His only begotten Son (God the Son), Jesus Christ to come and fulfil all His standards. (John 3:16) He came to this sinful world 2000 years ago, born by a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit, which is a miraculous birth. Therefore, he has no sin from birth. After he was born, he lived 33 years of sinless life, fulfilling all the requirements of the commandment and laws of God.
Why Jesus is the only way? (John 14:6) Why other religion cannot? Why is it so exclusive? First three requirements I had already shared in the previous paragraph. In case you miss it, here it is. First of all, this person
must be God (John 10:30) because only God himself who can save sinners; He set the rules. Secondly, He (Word) must be
100% Man. (John 1:14) Thirdly, he
must be sinless. The Bible says that He is in all points tempted to fall into sin as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15) Fourthly, he
must die for sinners and blood must be shed. (Hebrews 9:22) He loves us so much that He chooses to die on the cross for us so that His blood can cleanse our sins. (Luke 23:46) You know crucifixion is the most painful kind of death for criminals? Yet he there is nothing wrong found in Him. The Pharisees (Religious leaders proficient in the laws of God) during the time of Jesus were afraid that their position would be threatened; therefore they plot to kill Jesus together. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away our sins. (1 John 1:9) We are supposed to die eternally for our sins but Christ die for us instead! Fifthly, He must
resurrect from the dead. After three days, Jesus did rise from the dead and many witnesses saw Him alive. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) Any religion is able to fulfil all these five requirements? No! Not one is able to fulfil all these.
Talking about my life, do you think I change for the better after all these years? You all know that I failed in almost all my English papers when I was in Sec One to Four. It is a miracle that I had passed my English. Is it a miracle or by pure luck? No! I prayed that God would help me to pass my Exams! I scored a perfect score for my Music Theory Grade 5 exams. Is it by luck or my own ability? No! Music is an art, not many people is able to score a full marks for Grade 5 exams. I took only about 4 years plus to reach to Grade 8 in my piano exams. Is it by my own ability? No! God had given me the chance to serve in church as a pianist and miraculously my piano skills increase tremendously. You might think all these are just coincident. However to me they are not! I acknowledged that all these does not come from my own ability, they are all God given. How do you explain the many prayers that I prayed and God answers them one by one? (Luke 11:9) You have to believe in Jesus yourself to experience all these miracles. Some people said that I have to see the miracles then I would believe. However let me share with you, for Christianity it is that you believed first then you will see the miracles in your life. You will be granted the peace that passes all understanding from God. (Philippians 4:6)
Well so much had been shared. I had also shared the full gospel of Jesus Christ to you all and why Jesus came into this world. I have also given each of you a Bible as a Christmas gift. I hope that one-day, when you feel down or lost in your life, you will remember the things that I shared with you. There is no end to pursue riches in this world; one day when we all die, we can’t bring anything with us. The only thing that matters in your life is your soul. When you die whether you will go to heaven or hell it is your choice. Salvation is free but you have to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. I hope that one day, you all will believe in Jesus as His judgement will come very soon. (Ezekiel 7:2-4) His first coming is to die for us; his 2nd coming is to judge sinners. No sinners can escape God’s punishment. (Book of Revelation) The Bible says that the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) My friend I plead that you will not hesitate anymore, come and believe in Jesus before it is too late!
With the Love of Christ,
Alan Tan
**Note: Those books that are brackets like (Matthew 24:3-44) is for you all to read from the bible. The bible is not an ordinary book. It tells you your life story, better than a fortune-teller. Every time you read it, you will have a new understanding. It will never be exhausted!Amen! May God's name be glorified!