This year's birthday was quite a special one for me. First of all, the person that I hope to remember my birthday did not forget it. Even though I am not very on into celebrating birthday, I feel that it is a very good time for friends to gather together to have some catch up. In this busy world, everybody is busying working and doing their own things. It is hard to find time to gather together to talk.
Thank God that this year two person gave me a present. Some brethren also

gathered together after the Thursday night class to have a simple makan session to celebrate my birthday. On Sunday, there is one aunty also brought a cake for the April babes in the church to celebrate our birthday. Then on last Saturday, four of my close friend celebrated my birthday at City Hall, New York New York! with two of their girlfriends. They even bought a cake and then requested the waiters to sing the birthday song for me. It is the first time I have this kind of celebration. Interesting but really thankful to have such thoughtful friends.

However, it is sad that they are still not in the kingdom of God. I have been trying to evangelise to them but failed a few times. Maybe I did not try hard enough. This year, thank God that He had made me more evangelistic. By God's grace, I think this year because of the hospital evangelism, I have led three people to say the Sinner's prayer. For all three occasions, I did not really have the spirit. However, God is so gracious to use me to be just a tool for His kingdom. What a privilege!
My greatest hindrance to be closer to God is my besetting sin. If this year, I am able to get rid of this sin. I believe I will be closer to God. May God help me.